Thursday, June 12, 2014

From search trends to live scores, Google is your guide to the beautiful game

Just hours away from kick-off in São Paulo, you might be surprised to learn that Asia’s most fervent fans aren’t in countries like Japan and Korea that are fielding teams in this year's tournament. Search interest in the 2010 matches indicates that Indonesians have in fact been Asia’s most passionate football supporters, with [world cup] queries there nearly ten times higher than in Japan, and 40% higher than in Korea. Does this portend where we’ll see the most worn-out eyes over the next four weeks in Asia?

Trends WC APAC.png

What’s trending?
On all those sleepless nights ahead, and while waiting for the next game to start, you can dig into more surprising and delightful Google Trends on On the site, you can explore trends about the players, the teams, and the best moments from all 32 competing countries. But there’s plenty more to keep both the die-hard fan and newbie to the sport occupied and informed, including:
  • Sentiment: Explore how an entire country is feeling—whether optimistic or anxious—as reflected through search trends and public Google+ conversations.
  • World Focus: For every match, discover which team is capturing the world's attention in Search.
  • Top Questions: Want to know more about a penalty kick? Likely you’re not alone. Check out trending questions from every competing country before and after kickoff.
  • Rising Players: Find out who are the players to watch and how they rank in search compared with their teammates.

Tips & tricks for every fan to stay informed

  • Don’t miss a minute: For the first time, a simple search for [world cup] or [world cup spain] will give you team lineups before the match, live scores, and even up to the minute information about goals and player stats.
  • Stats at your fingertips: Also new for this year’s tournament, you don't even have to search to get updates on your favorite teams—just open Google Now. You'll be given an option to start seeing cards with stats about each match that you can tap for more detail.
As the world unites under a common love for a single sport, there's sure to be a lot of action. From dramatic tumbles to magisterial strikes, and from contested headers to flops and flags, we'll be there to help you discover and connect with the moments that matter most.

Posted by Emily Moxley, Product Manager, Google

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