An interesting thing happened last month after Indonesia concluded its third direct presidential election. We found out, like the rest of the world, that two of our software engineers developed a website ( to help guard the vote counting process following the National Election Commission’s decision to upload voting results to its official government website.
Results from the July 9 election were among the closest ever recorded and the Googlers grew concerned after both candidates declared victory. Indonesians Felix Halim, based in Mountain View, and Andrian Kurniady, based in Sydney, joined forces with with three other Indonesian friends in Singapore, Germany, and the Netherlands to create Kawal Pemilu, or Guard the Election.
Working on their own time and using their own resources, they built a crowdsourcing system from scratch in two days. On July 13, they released it to the trusted volunteers to begin digitizing the scanned voting forms coming in from over 470,000 polling sites from around the archipelago. “By opening up the information to public scrutiny, we hoped the system would help reduce uncertainty, fears of electoral fraud and restore the public’s faith in one of the most important events in Indonesia’s young democracy,” explained Kurniady.
In six days, hundreds of volunteers had digitized 97 percent of the voting forms. The website got nearly three million page views and was cited by Indonesian media after it was made public on July 14. “This helped the election commission and the public find and flag any anomalies with the votes at any level so they could get it fixed,” adds Halim.
The official, aggregated counts were later added with the same intent of providing up-to-date and organized information in a public setting. “We did this to inspire fellow Indonesians and to show the positive impact one can make when applying technology effectively.”
Both Googlers would also like to thank the election commission for opening up their data as well as the volunteers for contributing their time to make this effort possible.
Posted by Rudy Ramawy, Country Head, Google Indonesia
Results from the July 9 election were among the closest ever recorded and the Googlers grew concerned after both candidates declared victory. Indonesians Felix Halim, based in Mountain View, and Andrian Kurniady, based in Sydney, joined forces with with three other Indonesian friends in Singapore, Germany, and the Netherlands to create Kawal Pemilu, or Guard the Election.
Working on their own time and using their own resources, they built a crowdsourcing system from scratch in two days. On July 13, they released it to the trusted volunteers to begin digitizing the scanned voting forms coming in from over 470,000 polling sites from around the archipelago. “By opening up the information to public scrutiny, we hoped the system would help reduce uncertainty, fears of electoral fraud and restore the public’s faith in one of the most important events in Indonesia’s young democracy,” explained Kurniady.
Felix Halim is on the far left and Andrian Kurniady is on the far right. Source: Felix Halim |
In six days, hundreds of volunteers had digitized 97 percent of the voting forms. The website got nearly three million page views and was cited by Indonesian media after it was made public on July 14. “This helped the election commission and the public find and flag any anomalies with the votes at any level so they could get it fixed,” adds Halim.
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This is how you do it. |
Both Googlers would also like to thank the election commission for opening up their data as well as the volunteers for contributing their time to make this effort possible.
Posted by Rudy Ramawy, Country Head, Google Indonesia
Terharu dan menjura dengan takzim kepada seluruh Pandawa Lima dan seluruh volunteers yang terlibat. Semoga Tuhan memberkati kerja keras kalian.
ReplyDeleteSemoga Tuhan rahmati gotong royong ini, Indonesia menjadi semakin dan semakin baik.
ReplyDeleteMengutip dari novel "Negeri van Oranje": ….Namun, tolong jangan dilupakan bahwa sumbangsih bisa bermacam-macam bentuknya. Ambil contoh deh, India. Begitu banyak nama-nama India yang masyhur lewat prestasinya di luar negaranya. Mereka bekerja mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan atau membangun bisnis dari luar India. Mengapa? Karena, bila ngotot bertahan di dalam negeri, mereka nggak akan berkembang! Lah, nggak ada fasilitasnya! Maka eksoduslah mereka mencari tantangan dan mengembangkan isi kepala mereka di luar India. Setelah puluhan tahun bermukim dan menimba sukses di luar, apakah kemudian nasionalisme mereka luntur? Tidak! Nah, setelah para perantau itu sukses, ternyata mereka kembali untuk menginvestasikan uang dan teknologi yang dikuasainya di berbagai kota di India. Implikasinya? Transfer teknologi berjalan dengan tingkat yang sangat mengagumkan, industri mereka garap, jutaan kesempatan kerja dibuka, ekspor meningkat, devisa mengalir. Apa itu tidak dihitung sebagai sumbangsih bagi tanah air? Saya kini balik bertanya, apakah pembangunan di India bisa secepat sekarang tanpa sokongan putra-putrinya yang berjuang di luar negeri?...
ReplyDeletewah trnyata ini to BOD ny, yeah at least Play Maker in the Democratic :) :thumbup
ReplyDeletepara patriot sesungguhnya