This post is part of our regular series of interviews with people across Asia-Pacific who’ve caught our eye, using the Internet to create, connect and grow.
Ploysai Passornsiri of Pet Master in Bangkok
How would you describe your business in one sentence?
A full-service pet crematorium for pet lovers.
Why did you choose to go online?
I started Pet Master in 2010, when I realized that Thailand lacked the kind of pet cremation services that are found in Japan and the United Kingdom. I wanted to bring comfort to bereaved pet lovers by offering a dignified and eco-friendly funeral service for their animal friends. There is a large market for these services, and the Internet offers the best way of reaching them. The web has become a part of people’s life. It is fast and free.
What difference has the Internet made to your business?
Initially, I advertised through pet hospitals, offering them credits. But launching a website and promoting it through search advertising, as well as a Facebook page, is what made a real difference. Soon after that, I was logging 70-80 customers per month. The Internet provides low-cost public relations, getting Pet Master noticed by potential customers throughout the country, and enabling me to boost my profit. In turn, I’ve been able to expand to five branches, four in Bangkok and one in Pattaya.
Thailand’s Pet Master provides eco-friendly funeral services for animals |
Where’s the Internet going to take your business next?
Worldwide recognition! Originally, Pet Master served only customers in Bangkok but now I am starting to expand my business because the Internet has shown me that a lot of countries neighboring Thailand — for example, Malaysia — are very interested in what I have to offer.
Who’s your Internet idol?
Mark Zuckerberg. At a young age, he discovered the greatest thing that has changed the world. As I’m in my twenties, I’m inspired to believe I can do anything, with a little help from technology.
Ploysai Passornsiri |
If you could change one thing about the Internet, what would it be?
I wouldn't want to change anything about the Internet. Let it change as time goes by.
Posted by Ploysai Passornsiri, Pet Master
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